Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to the Journal

Русский / English

composed with taking into account the requirements of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation and “Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing, and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals“ (previously known as the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals (URMs)), revised by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors

The article must have a visa of the Director and be preceded by the formal cover letter from the institution where this article has been delivered, ethics approval in all articles dealing with original human or animal data and if necessary – with the expert\'s decision.

A hard-copy of the article must be signed by all authors, that confers the Publisher right on the publishing this article in print and/or electronic format and hosting on the website of the Journal (Publisher).
The articles previously published or submitted to another journal must not be submitted.
The editors reserve the right to abridge and edit submitted papers. The submission date of the article is considered to be the time of receipt of the complete (reworked) version of the variant of article.
Publication of manuscripts prepared by postgraduate students is free of charge.
The article is to be sent to the editor in the printout (1 sp.) with the mandatory application of the electronic version. To send articles via e-mail is not recommended

A paper must be typed using font size 12 pt, Times New Roman or Arial, double-spaced, all margins except the left of “2 cm”, margin-left of "3cm". Pages should be numbered. Automatic word hyphenation is forbidden
The volume of the article main body is allowed to be not more than 18 pages (including illustrations, tables, summaries and references), book reviews and news reports - 3 pages
Title page must include:
1) Article title,

2) family name and initials of the author (authors),

3) the full name of the institution where the author is employed, in the nominative case with the obligatory indication of the status of the organization (the abbreviation before the name) and departmental affiliation,

4) institution zip code, city, country, and

5) contact information: Full Name ( last name, first name and fathers\' name - entirely) and email address of the author responsible for correspondence.

If there are several authors, each name and the institution is marked by the digital code. If all the authors are working in the same institution, to indicate the place of the work of the each author separately is not necessary, it is sufficient to indicate the institution on one occasion

The example of the title page:
Rakhmanin Yu.A.1, Zykova I.E.1, Fedichkina T.P.1, Solenova L.G. 2

1Federal State Budgetary Institution “A. N. Sysin Research Institute of Human Ecology and Environmental Health” of the Ministry of Health care and Social Development of the Russian Federation , Moscow; 2Federal State Budgetary Institution N. N. Blokhin Russian Cancer Research Center, 115478, Moscow

For correspondence to: Solenova Liya Gennad\'evna,

On a separate page there is presented more information about each author required for log processing in Russian Science
Citation Index: Full Name in Russian and transliterated into Latin, e-mail for contacts with the authors of this article (may be one for all authors).
Rakhmanin Yuriy Anatol\'evich (Rakhmanin Yu. A.) - Doctor of Medical Science, professor, academician of RAMS, Director of the Institute;;
Zykova Irina Evgen\'evna (Zykova I. E.) - Doctor of Medical Science, Head of the laboratory of the diagnosis of environmentally related diseases with a group of hygienic expertise;
Fedichkina Tat\'yana Pavlovna (Fedichkina T. P.), Candidate of Medical Science, leading research worker of the laboratory of the diagnosis of environmentally related diseases with a group of hygienic expertise, feditchkina@

Solenova Liya Gennad\'evna (Solenova L.G.) - Doctor of Biological Science, leading research worker of the Department of chemical carcinogenesis

The construction plan for original articles should be as follow: Resume, Key words, Short introduction, presenting the state of the problem at the time of the writing the article and tasks of the present study, Material and Methods, Results, Discussion, itemized outputs or Conclusion, References
The presentation of the article has to be clear, concise, without long historical introductions and repetitions. Preference should be given to new and proven facts, the results of long-term studies important for the solution of practical problems.
The method of the studying is to be described very clearly, so that it could be reproduced easily. When submitting experimental work for publication authors should be guided by the rules and regulations of the European Community Board concerning the use of experimental animals (86/ 609/CEE)”.
Besides to species, sex and number of animals used, the authors must describe methods of anesthesia applied during painful procedures, and methods of sacrificing animals.
It is necessary to inform whether the reported numerical values are original or derivative, report the limits of accuracy, reliability, confidence intervals, estimations, recommendations, adopted or rejected the hypotheses discussed in the article.
All terms and definitions should be scientifically faithiful, their writing (as Russian and Latin) must correspond to described in “Acad. B.V. Petrovsky (Ed.) "Encyclopedic dictionary of medical terms" in 3 Volumes.).
Medications should be named by their International Nonproprietary (generic) Names (INN) that are used first, then, if necessary, there are presented some trade names of drugs registered in Russia (according to the"Cliphar-State Register" [National Register of Medicinal Products]). It is advisable to write the names of enzymes according to the standard Enzyme Classification System.
The description of the inherited or familial disease is to be desirable to be consistent with the international classification of inherited conditions in humans (Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man (OMIM) [].
The names of microorganisms must be verified in accordance with the "Encyclopedic dictionary of medical terms" (in 3 volumes, ed. Acad. Petrovsky), or the publication of "Medical Microbiology" (ed. Acad. V.I. Pokrovsky). Writing the full names mentioned in the text, must comply with the list of references.
The manuscript may be accompanied by a glossary of terms (unclear, capable to make the difficulties in reading). In addition to the generally accepted abbreviations of units of physical, chemical and mathematical variables and terms (eg, DNA), there are allowed abbreviations of word-combination (phrases), often repeated in the text. All marks and abbreviations input by author should be explained in the text at their first mention.

Not allowed reduction of simple words, even if they are repeated often.

The doses of drugs, units, and other numerical values must be specified in SI units.
Author\'s summary of the article is the main source of information to domestic and foreign information systems and databases, indexing the journal. Summary is available on the website "Russian journal of dental implantology", Online Scientific Electronic Library and is indexed by Web network search system.
From the article abstract the essence of the study should be clear to the reader. From the article abstract the reader must determine whether to apply to the full-text of this article for getting more detailed information being of interest for him. The summary should represent only the essential facts of the work. It is strongly recommended annotation structure that replicates the structure of the article and includes an introduction, aims and objectives, methods, results, conclusion (outputs). However the subject, topic, the purpose of the work are specified in the case if they are not clear from the title of the article; it is worthy to describe the method or methodology of the work performance in the event if they differ in novelty or are of interest from the point of view of this work.
The summary should be begin with the information contained on the title sheet. The amount of text of the author\'s summary is determined by of the content of the publication (volume of information, its scientific value and/or practical siignificance), and must be in limits of 200-250 words. Resume must be accompanied by a few key words or phrases that reflect the main theme of the article and facilitate the classification of the work in computer search systems.
Key words are listed, separated by semicolons. At the end of the list the full point is put.
Abstract and key words should be presented in both Russian and English languages.

When translating the names of the authors it is recommended to transliterate them similarly to previous publications or according to BGN (Board of Geographic Names) system (see the website

For full names of the organization (s) it is important that officially adopted English version of the name (s) should be presented.

Black-and-white line drawings: File Format - TIFF (extension *.tiff), any program that supports this format (Adobe PhotoShop, Adobe Illustrator, etc.); mode - bitmap (bitmap), Resolution 600 dpi (dot per inch), you can use the LZW compression or the other; media CD-R, CD-RW. The text on the illustrations must be clear.
Figures and photos captions are grouped together and are given on a separate page. Each figure should have a common header and a transcript of all the clippings. In the captions to the figures there are indicatedde signations along with abscissa and ordinate axes and units, there are given explanations on each curve. In captions to micrographs there are indicated staining method and magnification.
Table design: at the top right it is necessary to designate a table number (if there is more than one table), below its name is given. Clipped words in the tables are not allowed. All figures in the table must match the numbers in the text and must be treated statistically. Tables can be given in the text, without transferring to the separate pages.
The correct description of the sources used in the bibliographies is a guarantee that the cited publication will be taken into account when assessing the scientific public activity of the authors and the organizations in which they work.
In original papers it is not assumed to quote more than 30, in literature reviews - no more than 60, in lectures and other materials - up to 15 sources. The bibliography should contain, in addition to seminal works, publications over the past 5 years. References should be numbered consecutively in the order in which they are first mentioned in the text. The references in the text are given as numbers within square brackets.
References to unpublished works are not allowed.
The bibliographic description of the book (following the title):
city (where has been published); separated by the colon-name of the publisher, separated by the semicolon - year of publication. If the reference is provided to the chapter in the book: (authors); title of the chapter, separated by the point - there is put "In:" and the name(s) of the author(s) or editor(s), then - the title of the book and output data. Bibliographic description of the article from the journal: the author(s), article title, journal name, year, volume, issue of the journal in parentheses, separated by the colon, numbers of the first and last pages.
In case of a team of authors up to 6 persons, all of them are referred, for larger groups of authors the names of the 6 first authors must be written and followed by: "et al.". If as the authors of the books there are the editors, after the names, separated by comma, it should be put: "ed."
Examples of design of the bibliographic references for the Russian-language part of the article
Journal articles:
Веркина Л.М., Телесманич Н.Р., Мишин Д.В., Ботиков А.Г., Ломов Ю.М., Дерябин П.Г. и др. Конструирование полимерного препарата для серологической диагностики гепатита С. Вопросы вирусологии. 2012; 1: 45-8.

Чучалин А.Г. Грипп: уроки пандемии (клинические аспекты). Пульмонология. 2010; Прил. 1: 3-8.

Aiuti A., Cattaneo F., Galimberti S., Benninghoff U., Cassani B., Callegaro L. et al. Gene therapy for immunodeficiency due to adenosine deaminase deficiency. N. Engl. J. Med. 2009; 360 (5): 447-58.
Glauser T.A. Integrating clinical trial data into clinical practice. Neurology. 2002; 58 (12, Suppl. 7): S6-12.

Медик В.А. Заболеваемость населения: история, современное состояние и методология изучения.М.: Медицина; 2003.

Воробьев А.И., ред. Руководство по гематологии. 3-е изд. т. 3. М.: Ньюдиамед; 2005.

Радзинский В. Е., ред. Перионеология: учебное пособие. М.: РУДН; 2008.

Beck S., Klobes F., Scherrer C. Surviving globalization? Perspective for the German economic model.Berlin: Springer; 2005.

Michelson A.D., ed. Platelets. 2nd ed. San Diego: Elsevier Academic Press; 2007.

Mestecky J., Lamm M.E., Strober W., eds. Mucosal immunology. 3rd ed. New York: Academic Press; 2005.

Chapters in the book
Иванова А.Е. Тенденции и причины смерти населения России. В кн.: Осипов В.Г., Рыбаковский Л.Л.,
ред. Демографическое развитие России в XXI веке. М.: Экон-Информ; 2009: 110-31.

Silver R.M., Peltier M.R., Branch D.W. The immunology of pregnancy. In: Creasey R.K., Resnik R., eds.
Maternal-fetal medicine: Principles and practices. 5th ed. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders; 2004: 89-109.

Proceedings of scientific conferences, abstracts:
Актуальные вопросы гематологии и трансфузиологии: Материалы научно-практическойконференции. 8 июля 2009 г. Санкт-Петербург. СПб.; 2009.

Салов И.А., Маринушкин Д.Н. Акушерская тактика при внутриутробной гибели плода. В кн.:
Материалы IV Российского форума "Мать и дитя". М.; 2000; ч. 1: 516-9.

European meeting on hypertension. Milan, Jine 15-19, 2007. Milan; 2007.

Harnden P., Joffe J.K., Jones W.G., eds. Germ cell tumours V: Proceedings of the 5th Germ cell tumour conference. 2001, Sept. 13-15; Leeds; UK. New York: Springer; 2001.

Мельникова Н.В. Клинико-биохимические и морфологические изменения печени у больных с атерогенной дислипидемией: Дисс. … канд. мед. наук М.; 2008.

Borkowski M.M. Infant sleep and feeding: a telephone survey of Hispanic Americans: diss. Mount Pleasant (MI): Central Michigan University; 2002.

Electronic information resources:
Resolution adopted by the General Assembly on 27 July 2012 66/288. The future we want Available at:
Abood S. Quality improvement initiative in nursing homes: the ANA acts in an advisory role. Am. J. Nurs. 2002; 102 (6). Available at: http:/

The author is responsible for the correctness of bibliographic data.
Articles that do not comply with these requirements will not be considered. Submitted manuscripts which have been denied publication are not sent back.
Author\'s copies are not provided, the journal is available by subscription only.

The detailed description of the items of "Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing, and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals, revised by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors, in particular ethical issues, is available on our website in translation into Russian (2006), the original version in English (Updated August 2013) can be found at the site: