Advertising Policy of the «Russian Journal of Dental Implantology»

Русский / English

1. All materials submitted to the «Russian Journal of Dental Implantology» (hereinafter Journal), are the property of the Journal. The Journal has the right to refuse or remove any content at any time.

2. Advertisers are responsible for all the information contained in the advertising that has been published in the Journal.

3. All advertising sent to the Journal must comply with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the Federal Law "On Advertising" from 13.03.2006 No 38- ФЗ, with all corrections and additions in particular.

6. Advertisers do not influence the 10. The 10. The Journal does not support any products, companies or services advertised in its journals. does not support any products, companies or services advertised in its journals. and advertising policies of the Journal.

10. The Journal does not support any products, companies or services advertised in it journal.

11. Advertising banners on the website of the Journal are sold without reference to the specific content of the site. The appearance of advertisements in conjunction with certain content cannot be intentional.

12. Advertisers do not influence the results of queries made by users on the website of the Journal.

13. All advertisements are published under the responsibility of advertisers.

14. Advertiser agrees to indemnify any losses that Publisher may incur by publishing advertising information, including due to claims or lawsuits for libel, violation of privacy, copyright infringement or plagiarism.

15. Publisher is not responsible for any cases of non-deployment of the advertising, but the publisher should make efforts to place the advertisement on an empty place.

16. All advertising materials must contain information about the advertiser indicating brand or label and comply with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

17. Any reference of the Publisher in any advertising materials can be carried out only with the written consent of the Publisher.

18. The Journal cannot guarantee a specific location of advertising materials, unless otherwise specified in the contract.

19. The Journal is not responsible for errors in displaying and printing of advertising materials and for losses of an advertiser.

20. The Journal may change conditions of this document at any time. These changes are not applied to advertising materials that have already been accepted for publication.

21. The Journal is not obliged to fulfill any conditions which are not indicated in the current advertising policy.

22. If an advertiser does not pay the amount which is indicated in the contract, the Journal has the right to prosecute the advertiser and charge these funds.

23. Any links to the website of the Journal can only be made with its written permission.

24. The Journal does not support any products or organizations, linked to the website of the Journal.

25. Advertising from employers can not contain discriminatory statements and it must comply with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

26. Advertising of pharmaceutical products (including dietary supplements) must comply with the Federal Law from April 12, 2010 No 61- ФЗ "On Circulation of Drugs" with all changes and additions, and the Federal Law "On Advertising".

27. Links to other sites should not create difficulties for the user to come back to the site of the Publisher.

28. The Journal does not provide advertisers with personal information about users of the website of the Publisher and subscriber of journals.